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Public Communication Form for Current Board Meetings AGENDA or ACTION Items

Board at a table in Blue Silhouette

Please use this form to communicate directly with the Board Directors and to make your public comments or suggestions for any particular Agenda or Action Item(s) listed in the current up-coming meetings Agenda.

NOTE: (these notices are posted no later than 72 hours prior to any regular board meeting, and not less than 24 hours for a Special Board meeting)

May contain: text and word

Simply match and choose the corresponding number(s) to the Agendas Items number(s) on the Posted Agendas list and then add your questions and/or comments in the text field. Additionally, If you have any supportive document file(s) you may also upload that file for the Secretary's review before submission to the board.

Please indicate whether or not, you wish for your submission to be read to the board aloud on the record, and then entered into the administrative public record.

You may also use this form for any of your general comments or suggestions:

News Cartoon with Megaphone
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Please take the opportunity while using this form to sign up for a digital copy of our quarterly Newsletter:

CVPCSD is working towards a broader reach in communications, and with the new website and tools we can finally begin to offer more connectivity.

With COVID-19, Wildfires, PG&E's PSPS and the States Rolling blackouts and what calamity we may be confronted with next; we strongly encourage the entire community to please enroll to begin receiving the future Emergency TEXT Alerts from CVPCSD once that system is operational:

Our goal is to have the capability to notify our customers via text and email alerts, incase of a unexpected water shut off, do to a waterline break and repair, and continue to update as to when service would be expected to be turned back on.

We also want to be able to eventually offer additional Local fire alerts.

Red button with AGENDA Text

You won't have to keep checking the website for Agenda notices, we will let you know when it is posted when you choose to OPT IN to receive Notifications reminders for Board Meetings and Public Events.

May contain: computer hardware, computer keyboard, electronics, computer, hardware, keyboard, person, human, pc, phone, and laptop

We look forward to hearing from you. 

May contain: hand GET INVOLVED
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For Questions or Concerns contact Don Elias General Manager/Secretary

P.O. Box 6857, Auburn CA 95604
February 2022
Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. 
Leonardo da Vinci
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